<b><i>Reminders of Him</i></b></a>.<br /> <br /> Read on and discover more about new books, writing rituals and some advice for aspiring authors." />
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Bookmarked Blog
Along with the rest of the reading community the world over, we can’t get enough of Colleen Hoover! To prove our point, we’ve made the genre-defying TikTok sensation our Author of the Month for March to celebrate the recently released Reminders of Him.

Read on and discover more about new books, writing rituals and some advice for aspiring authors.

Your books have exploded on #BookTok. Why do you think your books are having such success on social media?

CH: I honestly don't know. People keep asking my secret to TikTok but it has nothing to do with me. I'm the least active on that app than any social media app. My books just happened to be some of the books that booktokers read at a time when BookTok was exploding, so it was all word of mouth and good timing. All the credit goes to BookTok.


How do redemption and overcoming past mistakes play a role in Reminders of Him?

CH: I always like to play devil's advocate when I write. Kenna is a woman who made a mistake in her past and is finding it hard to fit into the lives of the people she hurt. But for those people who hold a heavy grudge against her, forgiveness is even heavier.


What does a typical writing day look like for you?

CH: I can't write unless I have at least 3 to 5 days blocked off. Once I get into the story, I can't be pulled out of it or I'll lose my train of thought; so if I'm writing, I'm secluded, stocked up on Diet Pepsi and am wearing a new pair of socks.

Colleen Hoover

You’ve described Verity as a personal passion project of yours. What sets it apart from your other books?

CH: I stepped outside of the box with Verity. It's a thriller and I usually find myself drawn to writing emotional romance. At the time I wrote Verity, I felt like doing something a little different. I wasn't sure if people were going to enjoy it, so I dove into writing that book only thinking about making it fun for myself. The reaction to it has been incredibly surprising, considering my own expectations for it.


Why do you think your books resonate with romance readers?

CH: I think people know when they pick up one of my books that it's probably going to hurt them, but I've never left them broken. Maybe cracked, but I always try to put the pieces together again by the end. I think we all read to feel something, and it's the same for writers. We write to feel something and my only hope is that the readers feel it too.


What is some advice you’d give to aspiring writers out there?

CH: The biggest accomplishment should come with finishing the book. That's a huge success and the thing you should celebrate. If your goal is beyond that and lies in sales numbers or hitting lists, you might be disappointed if those things don't happen. I've seen a lot of writers walk away from the industry because their expectations for their books were too high, and that can jade a writer. My only expectation is to finish a book. That's what I celebrate and anything after that is icing on the cake.


Purchase your copies of Colleen Hoover’s books in store and online now.

Reminders of Him
Colleen Hoover

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